
Friday, 3 August 2012

A Reprieve

With the relative certainty on foods that Jack is reacting to I made a decision two weeks ago to remove his trigger foods from my diet. I knew rice, soy and oats were passing through my breast milk to him as he always vomited after he breastfed when I ate them. I had not noticed a direct correlation on the other foods though  so I did not cut them out. With a nasal gastric tube looming for him due to his poor nutrition and constant diarrhea I decided to pull out all stops and cut all his trigger foods from my diet and see what happened. has been hard for me to do. Now I am not eating rice, oats, soy, wheat, rye, corn, tomato, citrus fruits or nuts. Are there any grains left I hear you ask. Yes, thank goodness, I am still eating spelt flour and buckwheat. There is not much prepared food in the world that does not have one of these ingredients in it. I am pretty much on a meat and salad and vegetable diet. This week I got adventurous at the local health food shop and tried mung bean pasta, and a potato bread. Both turned out to be surprisingly good.

The exciting news for Jack is... it has been a HUGE success. He has gone from waking up constantly through the night with tummy aches and hunger, to waking up at 11pm, 3am and 5am. Ohhh sleep...I love you and have missed you!  His diarrhea has stopped. He has started to want to eat foods. This week he willingly took a mouthful of natural yoghurt off a spoon. A milestone that caused me to ring everyone I knew cheering about his progress. Jack has been reacting to the foods in my diet.

We saw the Immunologist and Nutricianist again on Thursday and they have given us a reprieve on the nasal gastric tube when they heard our news. Jack gets 2 more weeks to start eating more food and put on weight. We are very hopeful.

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